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Do not allow doubt closer...
Автор: максим (maxim-l94)
Раздел: Философские стихи

Out of fear we are going back
And on our souls to heaven
It will burn our fingers at random
You think you can? No, there is hardly any time

Every day is repeated
Remains the only hope
the world is saved, love saves
As part of the short summer

Do not allow doubt closer
And go for their dreams is waiting for you
For many years, I pray, I can not
But I'm afraid I do not understand
and forgive and do not believe me
and do not know what to blame

Rain and tears on the glass
But since nothing is happening
You have an image that appeared in the fiery dreams
Wait - disappears, persecution - comes
Not to forget, and not where not to lose
Representation of the growth into fragments of forgotten in the fog

Do not allow doubt closer
And go for their dreams is waiting for you
For many years, I pray, I can not
But I'm afraid I do not understand
and forgive and do not believe me
and do not understand what is to blame

we are confronted with the world
and resist keeping love
we just need to stick together...

(голосов: 0)

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